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Tuesday 9 July 2013

Three Parent IVF and Mitochondrial Disease

What is Mitochondrial Disease?

Mitochondrial Disease is the name for a group of conditions due to any failure in the mitochondria of the body’s cells, which affects 1 in every 6,500 babies born. Generally the disease affects children under the age of 10 years old, but adult onset types of mitochondrial disease are becoming more common. In people with mitochondrial disease, not enough energy in the form of ATP (chemical energy in the body)is produced by the mitochondria, the body’s cells do not have enough energy to carry out life processes, leading to cell damage and death.

Mitochondria are organelles within the cells of the body (except red blood cells) and are the site of cellular respiration. Respiration is the metabolic process by which glucose, obtained from our food, and oxygen, obtained from the air, are combined to give energy in the form of ATP (with waste products of carbon dioxide and water). Mitochondria contain their own DNA and can replicate independently of the cell. ATP is used to provide energy for metabolism (reactions in the body), and so mitochondria provide 90% of the energy that the body needs to survive. Also, mitochondria are responsible for breaking down, building and recycling molecules; are involved in cell signalling; control cell division, cell growth and programmed cell death(apoptosis). Additionally, mitochondria are involved in specific processes related to the type of tissue cell in which they reside, such as: cholesterol metabolism in the adrenal glands and sex organs (to make steroid hormones such as testosterone and oestrogen); heme synthesis in the bone marrow (to make the protein haemoglobin used to carry oxygen in red blood cells) and detoxifying ammonia in the liver. Therefore, mitochondrial disease may affect the other processes carried out by the mitochondria not simply energy production, and may be tissue-specific (although, generally, 3 or more organs are involved in mitochondrial disease).

Around 3000 genes are involved in building a mitochondrion (37 of which are encoded by genes in mitochondrial DNA, with the other being from the nuclear DNA found in the cell’s nucleus). Mitochondrial DNA is inherited only from the mother as egg cells, but not sperm cells, contribute to the mitochondria of a developing embryo. Mitochondrial disease is a result of mutations (inherited or spontaneous changes) in the genes that code for the proteins used in mitochondria production and function. Mitochondria can be damaged by drugs and infections. Mitochondrial disease may only have visible symptoms once the number of affected mitochondria reaches a threshold level.

What are the types of Mitochondrial Disease and their symptoms?

There are innumerable types of mitochondrial disease because of the vast number of genes that are involved in mitochondrial production, and even identical mutations will not cause the same clinical symptoms (we call these diseases genocopies). It should be noted that conversely different mutations could have the same symptoms (phenocopies). This means that mitochondrial disease is often misdiagnosed.

Mild mitochondrial disease may result in exercise intolerance as suffers cannot respire as effectively to provide the energy needed. People with mitochondrial disease are at a high risk during and following an illness or infection and so must be treated with a course of antibiotics, keep up to date with vaccinations (often advised to be vaccinated against seasonal flu) and may require IV fluids when ill. This is because overcome an illness and stimulating an immune response, which requires a lot of energy, and due to weakened systems, infection can lead to further neurological or organ damage. Muscular dystrophy is often a symptom of mitochondrial diseases. The conditions are degenerative and can often develop into dementia or organ failure.
Some examples of mitochondrial disease include:

MELAS (Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like syndrome) is caused by mitochondrial DNA mutations (often the A3243G mutation)preventing the formation of NADH, therefore preventing aerobic respiration. It can affect either sex, but is inherited solely from the mother. Symptoms of MELAS (including muscle pain or weakness, vomiting, seizures and loss of appetite)often appear in childhood, with stroke-like symptoms (periods of weakness on one side of the body, loss of consciousness, migraine-like headaches, seizures and problems with vision) occurring before the age of 40. Encephalomyopathy refers to th fact that MELAS affects both the brain and muscle tissue. Due to anaerobic respiration (where less oxygen is used) lactic acid can build up in the blood, leading to lactic acidosis, causing vomiting, pain, fatigue, difficulty breathing, loss of bowel control and muscle weakness. People with MELAS may also have involuntary muscle spasms or impaired muscle coordination (ataxia).   

MERRF (Myoclonic epilepsy and ragged-red fibers) is also caused by mutations in mitochondrial DNA preventing the formation of proteins used in the RNA that carries the amino acid lysine, so prevents the building of proteins in the mitochondria which are used in respiration. Myoclonic epilepsy involves brief involuntary muscle twitching that is frequent enough to be disabling. Ragged-red fibers refer to when clumps of diseased mitochondria build up in muscle tissue and appear red when stained with Gömöri trichrome stain (see image). Other symptoms of MERRF include lactic acidosis, hearing loss, short stature and exercise intolerance.
KSS (Kearns-Sayre syndrome) is caused by large deletions of mitochondrial DNA and so usually mutations are caused by environmental factors and are not inherited, although the average onset is below the age of 20. Typically KSS effects the eyesand involves: drooping of the eyelids (ptosis); paralysis of eye muscles (CPEO/chronic progressive external opthalmoparesis); degeneration of the retina (and so inability to see in the dark) and abnormal accumulation of eye pigments (pigmentary retinopathy). Other symptoms include diabetes mellitus, deafness, ataxia and problems with electrical conduction in the heart (heart block) causing palpitations and fainting.

LHON (Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy) is a caused by a mutation at one of three points in mitochondrial DNA (11778, 3460 or 14484) and so is passed from mother to all of her offspring. The condition is most common in men aged around 20. The condition causes cell damage and death to optic nerve cells. Symptoms include blurriness in one eye, leading to loss of vision in that eye, followed by the same in the other eye, usually within the same year.

MNGIE (Myoneurogenic gastrointestinal encephalopathy) is caused by a mutation in the TYMP gene and often occurs in adults under 50. The mutation prevents the formation of an enzyme used in metabolising (breaking down) parts of nucleic acids (e.g. DNA nucleotides). IN MNGIE pseudo-obstruction of the gut causes peristalsis (contractions of the gastrointestinal tract) to be less efficient, so less food is absorbed. Diarrhoea, constipation, vomiting, GI tract paralysis, weight loss, damage to the peripheral nerves and dysfunctional growth of the white matter of the brain are common symptoms of MNGIE.

Maternally inherited mutations in mitochondrial DNA (ATP6 gene) affect the production of ATP synthetase which is the enzyme used in making ATP, so reduce the energy available to cells, and cause the conditions NARP (Neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa)and Leigh syndrome. In NARP, 70-90% of mitochondria are affected and have the abnormal gene and symptoms include: sensory neuropathy/numbness and pain in the limbs; muscle weakness; problems with balance and co-ordination (ataxia); vision loss due to deterioration of light sensing cells of the retina (retinitis pigmentosa) and learning disabilities or developmental delays. Leigh syndrome occurs when 90-95% of mitochondrial DNA has the mutation of ATP6, but can also be caused by mutations of the nuclear DNA of the cell containing the mitochondria (SURF1 and COX assembly factors). Leigh’s disease usually affects infants (below 2 years old). In Leigh syndrome, loss of mitochondrial function causes lack of energy which occurs in cells of the brain stem (responsible for regulating the central nervous system and the action of the heart and lungs) and basal ganglia (responsible for motor control and learned behaviours). Loss of motor control, seizures, vomiting, heart problems, muscle weakness and lactic acidosis are common symptoms.

How do we currently treat Mitochondrial Disease?

The prognosis for severe manifestations of mitochondrial disease is poor, and most people who develop conditions as children do not survive to adulthood. We do not have a cure for mitochondrial disease, but therapies and treatments for the symptoms can help to extend life, prevent further damage to the body or improve quality of life. Unfortunately in more severe cases, treatment is rarely effective. Physical therapy for motor problems, anti-epilepsy drugs for seizures, insulin injections for diabetes and ophthalmic surgery for vision problems are examples of useful treatments to improve alleviate symptoms. To avoid fatigue and weight loss it may be useful for suffers to have a diet with regular nutrition (for example eating just before going to bed or in the middle of the night) and IV feeding if they become ill. Similarly sufferers should avoid getting too hot or cold, as poor thermoregulation is often associated with the condition. Iron can generate free radicals which can cause mitochondrial damage and DNA mutations so should not be supplemented. Alcohol can speed up the progression of some conditions of the mitochondria and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke limits oxygen carrying capacity of the blood so leads to anaerobic respiration and potentially lactic acidosis. Supplements such as cofactor Q10 can be effective in improving mitochondria function.

What is three parent IVF and why has the government approved it?

Three parent IVF is an artificial reproductive technique known as ooplasmic transfer  where the nuclear DNA of the mother (a carrier of mitochondrial disease due to mutations in mitochondrial DNA) is inserted into the empty nucleus of a donor egg (with healthy mitochondria) and fertilised with the father’s sperm outside of the body, or the fused nuclei (and so genetic material) of the two parents is inserted into the nuclei of the donor egg immediately after fertilisation. This technique will prevent the inheritance of mutations in mitochondrial DNA which is solely passed on by the mother. Therefore the child will have “three parents” as around 1% of the child’s DNA (that in the mitochondria) will be that of the egg donor.

In 2011, HFEA the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, regulated and assessed trials on animals and early human embryos have shown that the technique is safe. This year, the UK government has supported and drafted regulations for three parent IVF. Obviously any babies born by this technique will require regular health checks to ensure there are no long term issues with the technique for human use. Other ethical issues involve the rights of the donor and if they should remain anonymous, potential psychological effects on the child and whether we have the right to interfere with the phenotype (observable and biochemical characteristics) of a child (e.g. parents should still want the child even if it did have a medical condition) as this could make those living with the condition to feel unwanted/discriminated against. However, it is currently thought that because we are able to prevent the serious conditions I have outlined above, couples should be able have children without worrying about the child having a poor quality of life.
This promising treatment provides hope to prospective mothers who carry mitochondrial disease, but for those currently living with mitochondrial disease, we are yet to find effective treatment.

New Scientist 23rd March 2013

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